SSL Certificates-SSL Certificates protect your customer's personal data including passwords, credit cards and identity information. Getting an SSL certificate is the easiest way to increase your customer's confidence in your online business.
To create an SSL connection, a web server requires an SSL Certificate. A SSL certificate may be obtained from a Certification Authority (or CA). When you choose to activate SSL on your web server you will be prompted to complete a number of questions about the identity of your website and your company. Your web server then creates two cryptographic keys – a Private Key and a Public Key.
Be sure to visit for some great services and tools to assist in your implementation of SSL on your site or if you want to examine the SSL certificates of other websites.
However, there are certain things that should be kept in mind before acquiring SSL Certificate:
Which SSL To Opt For:There are committed SSL and in addition Shared SSL. Shared SSLs are typically free of cost, no help administration and connection isn't that protected. Though, Dedicated SSLs have great help administration and cost cash however is totally claimed by one client just, hence is very suggested for web based e-commerce sites.
IP Address: SSL is linked to an IP address to provide security to domain/site. So it becomes very important to have a dedicated IP address in order to secure it a 100%. Although SSL certificate can be used in a shared environment as well.
From Whom: There are quite a number of companies that sell SSL certificate but are these companies reliable or trustworthy? I would suggest to go for a good brand or CA (Certificate Authorities), especially, when we are talking about security of e-commerce sites.
Tenure: Minimum tenure for validation of SSL certificate is one year. But it depends upon requirement, service and cost, which one would suit you the most.
Encryption Level: Depending upon purpose of SSL certificate, there is an availability of various level of encryption. For example: For blogs, level of security required is less than that of any e-commerce sites. So before accruing SSL certificate, one should be aware of the level of encryption.